Incorporated into Christ's Body, Sent on Christ's Mission
"Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit" (CCC #1213). Since the time of early Christianity, Baptism has been the rite of initiation into the Christian community of the Church. In Baptism, the "one Spirit" makes us members of the Body of Christ and of "one another" (CCC #1267). That is why we celebrate Baptism within the Mass; the parish family, representing the whole Church- into which the individual is being baptized, is present to welcome the newly baptized and celebrate with you.
During the Rite of Baptism, we reject sin, renouncing beliefs, values and choices that are opposed to Christ. Baptism calls us to reject death and embrace life and dignity for all. Incorporation into Christ and into His Church means to take part in the mission of Christ, to imitate Jesus' example and strive in thought, word and action to live his love.
Parents who present their child for baptism are promising to foster their child's relationship with God and His Church, helping them to grow secure in God's love and become disciples of the Lord.
Parents who wish to have their child baptized at St. Patrick's should be registered members of the parish and contact the Office to schedule an appointment.
For adults who wish to be baptized, contact Fr. Kevin about OCIA.
Log into your Parish Formed account for more on the Sacrament of Baptism.